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- /*
- C source code created by Interface Editor
- Copyright © 1994-1996 by Simone Tellini
- Generator: C_IE_Mod.generator 37.1 (29.4.96)
- Copy registered to : Simone Tellini
- Serial Number : #0
- */
- /*
- In this file you'll find empty template routines
- referenced in the GUI source. You can fill these
- routines with your code or use them as a reference
- to create your main program.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- BOOL TagsVanillaKey( UBYTE, struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine for IDCMP_VANILLAKEY */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL PosTitKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Position"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return PosTitClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL UndKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Underscore"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return UndClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL HighKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "H_ighlight"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return HighClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL OkKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Ok"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return OkClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL AnnullaKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Cancel"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return AnnullaClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL DisabKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Disabled"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return DisabClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL ROnKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Read Only"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return ROnClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL ShowKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "S_how Selected"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return ShowClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL TitClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Tit_le" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL LabelClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "La_bel" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL PosTitClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Position" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL UndClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Underscore" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL HighClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "H_ighlight" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL OkClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Ok" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL AnnullaClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Cancel" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL TopClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Top " is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL VisClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Make _Visible" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL ScWClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Scroll _Width" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL SpcClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Sp_acing " is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL DisabClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Disabled" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL ROnClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Read Only" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL ShowClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "S_how Selected" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL IHClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Ite_m Height" is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL MaxPClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )
- {
- /* Routine when "Ma_x Pen " is clicked */
- return( TRUE );
- }